What is a periodic health assessment?

Airplane on the tarmacPeriodic medical assessments help employers whose workers may be exposed to hazardous chemicals or unsafe work environment to monitor workplace health. Depending on needs of employer and employees periodic medical assessments can be done on monthly or annually basis such that close follow-up on an employee’s health condition may be obtained. Tests are completed and results regularly compared to recognize and identify any health concerns. Our occupational safety officer and physicians can then counsel and educate employers and employees on prevention and treatment recommendations.


  • Helps maintain the long-term health of the worker
  • Helps prevent disability and injury
  • Ensures compliance with regulations

Who should receive a periodic health assessment?

Anyone who works with harmful substances or in dangerous working conditions can benefit from a periodic health assessment. Examples of harmful substances include lead, asbestos and pesticides. Example industries include aviation, mining, and transportation.